RPIFHW recovery

Through its subsidiary Waste Management Solutions, MINDEST WMS has been offering since 2005 a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution for the recovery of RPIFHWs in salt mines.
It offers a recovery solution that is fully in line with the logic of the circular economy since it transforms ultimate waste into raw material in order to save natural resources and solve an environmental problem.
Its customers are communities or operators who operate energy recovery units. These units produce REFIOM which have interesting physicochemical characteristics to replace the cement which is used in certain mining installations in Germany in order to secure mining works.
With its expertise, MINDEST WMS offers to support you to give added value to this waste:
— technical and regulatory expertise
— carbon footprint
— organization of transport
— management of regulatory obligations
— administrative follow-up of the service
— IT traceability
In this changing world, the circular economy is an ardent obligation as well as an essential factor for progress. The promotion of RPIFHWs is one of the links in the chain of this sustainable economy.

Specialist of
communities wastes